« La saga des Al-Assad » (4/4). L’espoir de libéralisation suscité par le début de mandat du fils de Hafez Al-Assad a ...
« La saga des Al-Assad » (2/4) . Le régime mis en place par le dirigeant après son coup d’Etat du 13 novembre 1970 n’a eu ...
« La saga des Al-Assad » (1/4). Né d’un grand mouvement modernisateur et socialiste, le parti Baas est devenu l’instrument de ...
Hayan Hadid was 18 when soldiers arrested him in his pyjamas and took him for execution in Syria's Hama in 1982, during one ...
Comme beaucoup, je me suis réjouie, le 8 décembre, de la chute de Bachar el-Assad, ce dictateur sanguinaire qui réprimait, persécutait et exterminait son propre peuple et dont les geôles étaient synon ...
L’ancienne propriété de Rifaat el-Assad, située aux portes de Paris, est absorbée par une végétation... Dans le Val-d'Oise, à la lisière de la forêt de Montmorency, se dresse le domaine ...
In 1970, Hafez al-Assad took power in Syria after a coup he dubbed the “Corrective Movement.” This was after years of intense conflict within the Baath Party, beginning with the 1961 coup ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
Iran’s inability to support Bashar al-Assad’s regime and prevent its collapse, coupled with recent significant blows to Hizballah and Israeli strikes within Iranian borders, underscores Tehran’s ...
As sectarian tensions rise in Syria following the collapse of the Assad regime, a minority sect fears for its future amid calls for mass slaughter. The feeling is a new one for the Alawites ...
The UN high commissioner for human rights called Tuesday for ensuring that the atrocities committed in Syria during the Assad regime are never repeated. Volker Turk posted a video message on X ...
The fall of Assad ignited jubilant celebrations across Syria, with statues of Assad and his father, Hafez, toppled in acts of defiance. Syria has been shattered by more than 13 years of conflict ...