“The Brutalist” is a fictional tale of a Jewish Hungarian architect and Holocaust survivor’s struggle to rebuild his life and career, and his fictional creations in the movie include an episcopal church in Greenwich and a reform synagogue in Wilton. In real life, Connecticut has been home to some of the architects who shaped the Brutalist movement.
Local and federal officials are announcing a big grant for New Haven. The program is called “Reconnecting Communities.” Its goal is to lessen the impact
An investigation is underway after a crash in New Haven on Saturday and police said one person had a gunshot wound. Officers said the crash happened at Russell Street and Lexington Avenue. According to police,
CT DoAg urges those who experience sick or a high number of dying domestic birds, sudden egg production decrease, or feed or water intake decrease to call the State Veterinarian a
A backyard flock in New Haven County has contracted bird flu, marking the second case of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Connecticut, according to the CT Department of Agriculture. Bird flu,
Bird flu has now been confirmed in two backyard flocks, according to the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.
At the New Haven Pride Center Friday afternoon, Mayor Justin Elicker and other city officials took aim at the Trump administration’s new executive orders that have begun to roll in this week.
Connecticut State Police charged four people in a street takeover on I-95 after a Palestinian demonstration in New Haven moved to the highway on Sunday.
More than two dozen landmarks in and around New Haven were to be lit up in yellow Friday to remember the victims of the Holocaust.
Projects based in the cities of Hartford, Stamford and New Haven have been named finalists for a piece of a $100 million state grant funding pool meant to grow new technological industries and jobs. The “Innovation Clusters” program,
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture says bird flu has been found in a backyard flock in New Haven County.
CONNECTICUT (WTNH) — The bitter cold continued on Tuesday, but it didn’t stop people from working out in the elements. “I love it here, it’s awesome,” Andre Akbar, in New Haven, said. Steve Williams has been serving up hot dogs for decades.