For me, the International Day for Women and Girls in Science is both a celebration and a reminder. It’s a moment to recognize the contributions of women in science and the progress we’ve made and to ...
The day before the conference on Thursday, 13 February, the 4th No Money for Terror Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism Financing will also take place in Munich at the invitation of German ...
Bern, 10.02.2025 - The Cyber-Defence Campus of the DDPS has found two vulnerabilities in the collision warning system “Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System ( ...
On 10 February 2025, some 80 years after the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp, President Karin Keller-Sutter welcomed around 60 survivors of the Holocaust and Nazi ...
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), visited Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil from 3 to 7 February. Finalising the EFTA–Mercosur free trade ...
Mayor Johnny Maycon Senator Romário de Souza Faria Deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante Ambassador Maria Luisa Escorel de Moraes Ambassador Laudemar Gonçalves de Aguiar Neto Ambassador Pietro Lazzeri ...
Among other things, environmental factors during the child's early development in the womb are suspected, which lay the foundation for later illnesses. A team of researchers from Empa, ETH Zurich, ...
Bern, 06.02.2025 - Today, 6 February 2025, is the deadline for submitting ideas for environmentally friendly and safe methods of recovering ammunition from Swiss lakes. A committee of experts will now ...
Villigen, 06.02.2025 - Physicists have built a new type of digital-analogue quantum simulator in Google’s laboratory, which can be used to study physical processes with unprecedented precision and ...
Dübendorf, St. Gallen und Thun, 11.02.2025 - La recherche se nourrit de la diversité de pensée, de nouvelles perspectives, de talent et de créativité. En impliquant et en soutenant les chercheuses, il ...
Dübendorf, St. Gallen und Thun, 11.02.2025 - Die Forschung lebt von der Vielfalt des Denkens, von neuen Perspektiven, Talent und Kreativität. Durch die Einbindung und Unterstützung von Forscherinnen k ...
La presidente della Confederazione Karin Keller-Sutter ha invitato alcuni sopravvissuti all’Olocausto di tutte le regioni della Svizzera. Insieme hanno commemorato i milioni di vittime ricordando in ...