The robber took the victim's belongings and ran off the train when it arrived at the Cicero Avenue station, police said.
Deerfield boy runs into some delays and discovers that riding to all of the city’s “L” stations in under 9 hours is no small ...
Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, recently said he was “astonished” by some Chicago Transit Authority employee paychecks, writes Isabel Miller of Capitol Fax.
In February, slow zones covered some 30% of the rail system, up from 13% five years earlier. It’s one more hurdle for the CTA ...
A CTA Red Line train derailed on Saturday afternoon, disrupting service between 87th and 95th for a few hours, the Chicago ...
Red Line riders may face some delays after a train derailed on Saturday afternoon. According to an update shared by the ...
A person was shot while boarding a CTA bus in Chicago's Grand Crossing neighborhood and hospitalized in stable condition; the ...
Williams, 26 year veteran, uses her trolley route to spread life affirming and motivational messages to the passengers she ...
At 9 years of age, Danny Seraphine first picked up a set of drumsticks, beginning a musical roller coaster ride that gave the ...
The Kansas City Area Transit Authority (KCATA) is proposing drastic cuts to bus service to make up for a $32 million budget ...