As the probe continues into Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing case, fresh details are emerging. The Mumbai police have now arrested a woman in West Bengal for allegedly providing a SIM card to the arrested Bangladeshi national.
Mumbai police confirmed that till now the woman was called only for questioning into actor Saif Ali Khan's knife attack, neither Police detained her nor arrested her,
Shariful Islam Shehzad - the illegal migrant from Bangladesh accused of stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan last week in a home invasion - is a member of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, his father,
The Mumbai Police, investigating the attack on Saif Ali Khan, questioned the accused's relative in West Bengal, as well as a woman whose Aadhaar was used to obtain a SIM card.
The investigation into the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case has progressed, but not without setbacks. The fingerprints found at Khan’s residence do not match those of Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national arrested for allegedly attacking Saif at his home.
Investigation revealed that the SIM used by the Bangladeshi national, who was arrested earlier for the attack on Saif, was registered in the name of the woman.
In a major revelation in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, the Mumbai Police stated that ‘physical’ evidence against the accused has been recovered. While addressing a press briefing, Paramjit Dahiya, Additional Commissioner of Police,
Mohammad Shehzad, alias Vijay Das (30), a Bangladeshi national, attempted to rob Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's residence due to financial struggles. Reports suggest that he needed money to fund his mother's medical treatment and had lost a housekeeping job in December of the previous year,
The father of a Bangladeshi man accused of stabbing actor Saif Ali Khan insists his son is being framed. Shariful Islam, who allegedly entered India illegally, was arrested for the attack during a robbery attempt.
Police revealed that Saif Ali Khan's attacker, Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, panicked after seeing his image on TV and planned to flee to Bangladesh, but was apprehended following the extensive investigation.
Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his 12th-floor apartment in the upscale Bandra area during an attempted robbery.
Mumbai Police held a press conference on Tuesday in connection to the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, confirming they have strong evidence ag