In other executive news, Srini Gopalan, who previously managed Deutsche Telekom's German business, will step into a new role as the Chief Operating Officer of T-Mobile US (NASDAQ:TMUS).
At the same time, two experienced managers are moving into new key positions: Srini Gopalan (54), previously responsible for Deutsche Telekom's German business, will become the new Chief Operating ...
Für das laufende Jahr stellt Konzernchef Höttges einen Betriebsgewinn von rund 44,9 Milliarden Euro in Aussicht. Ausgerechnet der Heimatmarkt schwächelt – die Aktie ist Schlusslicht im Dax. Getrieben ...
The announcement coincides with a leadership shuffle that will see Srini Gopalan, current head of Deutsche Telekom’s Germany business, become COO of T-Mobile Tim Höttges, Deutsche Telekom’s CEO since ...
Deutsche Telekom is also the majority owner of T-Mobile US. From 2013 to 2016, Gopalan was the consumer director at Indian telecom company Bharti Airtel, and previously held leadership roles at ...
Die Deutsche Telekom hat zentrale Personalentscheidungen getroffen: Rodrigo Diehl übernimmt ab März 2025 das Deutschland-Geschäft, Srini Gopalan wechselt in das Management der T-Mobile US ...
Bonn – 1996 wurde die Telekom als Volksaktie gehypt – der Kurs stürzte spektakulär ab, von 70 auf 12 Euro. Fast 30 Jahre ...
„Srini sieht die Welt aus dem Blickwinkel der Effizienz“, kommentiert ein Telekom-Kenner, der erwartet, dass Gopalan die Prozesse bei der Tochter mit dem Rotstift unter die Lupe nehmen wird.
Tim Höttges to remain CEO until the end of 2028 Srini Gopalan to become new Chief Operating Officer of T-Mobile US Rodrigo Diehl appointed new Board Member for Germany Tim Höttges (62) will remain CEO ...
At the same time, two executives are moving into new key positions: Srini Gopalan (54), previously responsible for Deutsche Telekom’s German business, will become the new Chief Operating Officer ...
Deutsche Telekom (DT) has announced that its CEO Tim Höttges has extended his contract at the telco giant until the end of 2028. The company also revealed that it has promoted Srini Gopalan, ...